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June 6, 2021–1:00 p.m.


The Georgia’s Rome Office of Tourism invites the public to the Georgia’s Rome Photo Exhibition featuring photography by local photographers that showcase the beauty of Rome and Floyd County. The exhibition will be held at the Rome Area History Center June 8-19.

An opening reception will be held on Tuesday, June 8 from 5 p.m. – 7 p.m. and prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, 3rd Place, and People’s Choice; light refreshments will be served.

Out of 119 photos submitted, 21 photos were selected to be in the exhibition. Photographers whose work was selected to be in the exhibition include Candiss Ayer, Marc Borchardt, Leigh Bishop, Jason Blalock, Frank Cardamone Jr., Jon Caruvana, Ivan Felipe, Elisa Giannelli, Dr. Brian Kinder, Heidi Lambert-Payton, Hannah Miller, Amanda Parker, Tony Pope, Sam Ratcliffe, and Michael Scott.

Videos produced by Keith Beauchamp and Jeremy Smith will be featured in the Rome Area History Center front window during the exhibition.

Ivan Felipe’s photo titled, “Clock tower and Courthouse” will be recognized with the People’s Choice Award, for receiving the most votes online and will be awarded a $50 gift card. Awards will also be announced for 1st Place ($100 Gift Card), 2nd Place ($50 Gift Card), and 3rd Place ($25 Gift Card). All winners will receive a gift card from their business of choice among Georgia’s Rome Hospitality Association Member businesses.

Photographers have the option to sell their photography displayed at the exhibition and will retain 100% of the total sale. Photos and videos from the exhibition will be featured throughout the year in print and online media promoting Georgia’s Rome with credit given to the photographer. To learn more about the exhibition, visit

Link to selected images of photos in the exhibition, with photographer name and photo tile: