Monday, April 15, 2024–4:58 p.m.
-Staff reports-

The Rome Board of Education meeting will be held on Tuesday at the Rome City Schools College and Career Academy located at 990 Veterans Memorial Highway.
The caucus will be held at 4:00 p.m. in Room A201 and the regular meeting will start at 5:45 p.m. in Room A201.
1. Call to Order and Roll Call-Mrs. Faith Collins-Board Chair
2. Approval of Minutes, Financial and Other Reports
3. Public Recognition
a. Rome City Schools Technology Competition Winners
b. Northwest Georgia Regional Technology Competition Winners
c. Georgia State Tech Fair-Device Modification-2nd Place
d. SkillsUSA Competition Winners
1. SkillsUSA SLSC Urban Search and Rescue Robotics-1st Place
2. SkillsUSA Commercial Drone Competition-2nd Place
3. SkillsUSA State Competition Nail Design Display-2nd Place
e. FBLA National Championship-Cybersecurity Winner
f. AFJROTC Flight Academy
g. FCCLA State Leadership Conference
1. FCCLA State Leadership Conference-1st Place
2. Nutrition and Wellness-1st Place
3. Chapter Review Display-1st Place
4. Chapter Service Display-1st Place
h. Young Georgia Authors Writing Competition Winners
i. Young Georgia Authors Writing Competition-NW GA RESA Regional Level
j. Student of the Month
k. Employee of the Month
4. Public Comments
5. Superintendent’s Report and Recommendations
a. Attendance Report
b. Personnel-See Handout
d. Spotlight on Elm Street Elementary School-Ms. Lisa Strack
e. Other Items
6. Communications
7. Unfinished Business
a. Second Reading and Approval of Revision to Board Policy JBCC (Student Assignment)
b. Second Reading and Approval of Revision to Board Policy JBCB (Nonresident Students)
8. New Business
a. Approval of Kennesaw State University School Based Mental Health Pipeline Grant Partnership
b. Adopt Teacher Appreciation Week Resolution (May 6-10, 2024/May 7, 2024 Teacher Appreciation Day)
c. Appoint A. D. Black Scholarship Committee
9. Adjournment