Tuesday, April 16, 2024–10:08 a.m.
-David Crowder, WRGA News-

The Rome Alcohol Control Commission is recommending a $2,000 fine and a 90-day suspension of the package license at North Broad Food Mart at 1416 North Broad Street.
The owner of the store was asked to appear during a license hearing on Monday to answer allegations of drinking going on inside the business, which does not have a pouring license.
According to information presented during the hearing, on Saturday, March 9, police received an anonymous complaint about kids playing and adults drinking in the gaming machine room. Police saw two open beer cans in the gaming machine room. The officer informed the store owner that drinking was not allowed inside the store and no citation was issued.
“I’m so sorry this happened,” said owner Maninder Singh during Monday’s license hearing. “I have big signs at the front door and at the counter that say no smoking or drinking in the store or on my property. There are big signs in the gaming room too.”
ACC chair Billy Cooper told Singh that it has been the expectation of the committee in the past that the owner, the operator, or whoever is present takes the necessary steps to make sure the game room is being operated properly.
“Which means that there is absolutely no alcohol consumption on the property,” Cooper said.
Cooper added that he finds this violation more egregious than the other two recent violations because there were minors in the store.
In March, the ACC recommended a $2,000 fine and 60-day suspension for Mi Tienda on Shorter Avenue for a similar violation.
The month before, Garden Lakes Food and Beverage on Redmond Circle also received the same penalty for drinking inside the store.
The recommendation from the ACC for North Broad Food Mart now goes to the full Rome City Commission for approval.
Also Monday, the ACC approved a new beer package license at Road Runner, 2036 Maple Road. They also approved a six-month extension of a new beer, wine, and liquor package license request for Cherokee Valley, LLC at the corner of Riverside Parkway and Riverside Industrial Drive. The request was originally approved on April 17, 2023, and extended on October 16, 2023. The construction of the free-standing, 11,000-square-foot liquor store is expected to start in the next 30 to 45 days. There are plans to add a convenience store and a restaurant on the property in the future.
The ACC also approved a six-month extension of a new beer, wine, and liquor package license request at Mega Beverage Rome, 42 Hicks Drive, which is the current location of Fazoli’s. The plan is to expand the building to approximately 8,100 square feet and convert it to a liquor package store once Fazoli’s closes. The request was originally approved on September 18, 2023.