Tuesday, June 18, 2024–6:59 p.m.
-David Crowder, WRGA News-

Following a lengthy discussion, the Rome City Commission has approved a request to rezone property on Hardy Avenue and South Broad Street from high density traditional residential to multi-family residential.
The applicant is seeking to construct approximately 28 new units and the plan includes the demolition of an existing residential structure.
During the public hearing, Marquita Davis with the South Rome Community Association shared the concerns of some of the residents of the area.
“With this community being set up the way it is, I feel like there is going to be a lot of traffic jams, and there are other concerns that multiple residents have voiced,” she said.
Scott McLain, who is under contract to purchase and develop the property, responded to the concerns about traffic and parking.
“Once we go through the next round of approvals and these buildings get pushed back and we do some of the things that we did see off of the initial drawing, I do think that the driveways give plenty enough parking,” he said “There is no reason for anybody to be parking in the street.”
Shaylan Johnson expressed concerns about the affordability of the townhomes and the impact on property taxes.
“As someone who has gone to church on Nixon Avenue most of my life, economic development could be better,” she said. “However, you gotta understand that a lot of these people don’t have $300,000 to buy a condo, and as we speak about this, you have families there and then the property taxes will rise. Once the property taxes rise, that will drive these families out of their homes if they’re not able to afford it.”
McLain again responded.
“I’m very open to building them affordably and making them affordable for everybody to buy,” he said. “It’s in my best interest to do it that way. As far as the taxes of the neighbors and stuff like that, obviously, as things change and new houses are brought in people’s tax assessments go up, but so do their property values.”
Commissioner Bill Collins voted against both of the rezoning applications while Commissioner Elaina Beeman voted against the South Broad rezoning.
Another application that came to the city commission with a recommendation to deny was for a beauty salon at 401 Glenn Milner Boulevard.
The applicant was seeking to rezone from neighborhood office commercial to community commercial.
Instead of approving the rezoning, the commission voted in favor of an amendment to the Unified Land Development Code to allow for barbershops and beauty shops within the Neighborhood Office Commercial zoning district.
Commissioners also approved a rezoning application for 115 Lookout Circle from community commercial to low-density residential. The applicant is seeking the rezoning for marketing purposes.
A special use permit for a vacant parcel at 205 ABC Reservation Street for the construction of a duplex and the rezoning 508 and 510 East First Street from office institutional to neighborhood office commercial were also approved.