Thursday, August 22, 2024–10:21 a.m.
-News Release-

Georgia Highlands College (GHC) will host Preview Days this fall semester, with free community events on Saturday, September 21, at the Floyd Campus and on Saturday, October 19, at the Cartersville site.
The Floyd Campus is located at 3175 Cedartown Hwy, Rome, GA 30161, and the Cartersville site is located at 5441 GA-20, Cartersville, GA 30121.
Starting at 10 AM and lasting until 2 PM, attendees will learn about the student experience directly from GHC students, explore programs of study, will have the opportunity to meet with admissions counselors and apply for enrollment, hear from Financial Aid, enjoy a free lunch and more.
For example, attendees will be able to explore real-life programs such as Criminal Justice, view demonstrations with nursing simulation mannequins, witness a job proposal, tour a film and podcast studio and experience virtual reality.
Attendees will also have the opportunity to tour the campus, apply on the spot, explore a resource fair and attend extra sessions on scholarships, Dual Enrollment and more.
Register today at Connect with an admissions counselor at or enroll today at