Tuesday, November 12, 2024–8:50 p.m.
-David Crowder, WRGA News-

The Floyd County Commission has unanimously approved three appointments to the Floyd County Board of Elections and Registrations.
The terms of Corey Townsend and Gary Stamper are set to expire in December as does the term of Chairman Jerry Lee.
“This year we did have two individuals whose terms will expire at the end of this year,” said Floyd County Commission Chair Allison Watters. “Both of those individuals had asked to be replaced. They did not wish to serve again. So, we have two new members to appoint to the board of elections and registration. Those two members are David Guldenschuh and Jennifer Perkins.”
The five-member board is made up of two members which are nominated by the Democratic Party and two nominated by the Republican Party.
Meanwhile, the chair is selected by the county commission.
“We are grateful that our current chairman, Jerry Lee, has agreed to another term,” Watters said.
Elections board members serve staggered four-year terms.
The Board has responsibility for oversight of the Elections and Voter Registrations office in Floyd County.
The elections supervisor and staff report to the board and have responsibility for the execution of registration of voters, certifying of candidates for the ballot, storage, maintenance, and setup of voting equipment, appointment and training of poll officers, and certification of all election results.