Thursday, November 14, 2024–11:57 a.m.
-David Crowder, WRGA News-

Much-anticipated improvements to the North Broad Extension could begin shortly after the first of the year.
City of Rome Engineer Aaron Carroll told the Rome Public Works Committee on Wednesday, bids for the project were recently opened. There were six bids, including three from local companies. The low bid was from Spriggs Construction at $1.04 million.
“It’s our intention, once we get everything together, to award that bid to Spriggs,” Carroll said. “They will be able to begin work on January 6. Based on the time allowed within the contract, their completion date is May 6, 2025.”
The project consists of roadway improvements for approximately 2,450 linear feet from across from the Dodge dealership on New Calhoun Highway to the terminus by the storage buildings.
The work will include clearing, grading, drainage improvements, paving, curb and gutter construction, driveway installation, and striping.
“We will add sidewalk on one side to facilitate the walkers that come out of South Point,” Carroll said. “Of course, part of the new subdivision across from them included sidewalks. We will take the sidewalk down to where the right-in/right-out is, which will eventually become the entranceway into the future apartment complex that is going to be back in there behind THE North Point subdivision.”