Tuesday, November 19, 2024–11:20 a.m.
-David Crowder, WRGA News-

This year’s Rome Christmas Parade will take place on the traditional route from West First Avenue to the City Auditorium on the clock tower side of Broad Street.
Discussions had been held about having the parade go up Broad Street in the other lanes closest to the river.
“That has been amended and flipped back to the original path of the clock tower side,“ said parade committee member Doug Walker on WRGA’s First News on Tuesday. “We went back to the original route. Perhaps we can we can look again at making that flip next year.”
A captain’s meeting was held Monday night.
“About 70 of the float representatives there and they asked a lot of good questions,” Walker said. “You know one of the things that we’re really going to do this year is we are going to try to enforce the displaying of numbers in the windows of the floats. If you’re a marching group, somebody in front will be carrying the number.”
The theme for this year’s parade, which will be on Tuesday, December 3, is “A Christmas Carol.”