Tuesday, December 10, 2024–8:00 p.m.
-David Crowder, WRGA News-

The Floyd County Board of Commissioners has approved a resolution to call for a special election to fill the post four seat on the commission.
Commissioner Larry Maxey passed away in November and his seat is not up for re-election until 2026.
The special election will be held on March 18, according to Floyd County Attorney Virginia Harman.
“The board of elections and registrations will now actually issue the call for the election,” she said. “They will do that sometime in the next couple of weeks at a specially-called meeting. They will set the time for qualifying. There will not be a primary for that race. The dates for early voting will be set by the board of elections and all of that information will come out in the newspaper.”
The qualifying fee will be three percent of the annual salary of a commissioner which translates to $216.