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Floyd County Commission to consider rezoning applications Tuesday

Monday, January 27, 2025–10:00 a.m.

-David Crowder, WRGA News-

Floyd County Commissioners will consider a number of recommendations from the planning commission when they meet Tuesday.

Among them is an ordinance amendment pertaining to the regulation of commercial poultry operations and concentrated or confined animal feeding operations.

Commissioners will also consider a zoning change from community commercial to light industrial for property at 3280 Rockmart Road in Silver Creek for an outdoor storage lot.

The planning commission is recommending approval with staff recommendations including that the proposed use be encircled with a privacy fence (non-chain link), that provides 100% opacity; the property must also be developed with the required 20-foot landscape strip and a native canopy tree planted every 20-feet along the frontages, sides, and rears; the SUP for outdoor storage will become void if the proposed use for outdoor storage of construction equipment ceases for more than a year, and that the storage be limited to earth-moving vehicles and related equipment that is in working order.

Commissioners will also consider a rezoning request from community commercial to heavy commercial for property on Martha Berry Highway near Glen View Drive, and an application to rezone property at 1806 Pleasant Valley Road in Silver Creek from community commercial to suburban residential.

The planning commission is recommending approval with the conditions that any or all damaged vehicles be stored behind an 8-foot-tall, opaque privacy fence that provides 100% screening from adjacent parcels and the public right-of-way;  the buffer along all residentially zoned parcels include the planting and maintaining of evergreen trees within the previously required fence to mitigate light and noise pollution and any or all exterior lighting be “dark sky” – fully shielded, emitting no light above horizontal plane, no more than 3,000 kelvin, no higher than the building, and less than 50 lumens. 

Commissioners will also consider a rezoning request from community commercial to heavy commercial for property on Martha Berry Highway near Glen View Drive for an auto repair business.

The planning commission is also recommending approval of an application to rezone property at 1806 Pleasant Valley Road in Silver Creek from community commercial to suburban residential

The re-adoption of the Unified Land Development Code is also on the agenda.

Commissioners are also being asked to approve the purchases of a fire alarm system, network switches, and insulation at the future county police headquarters at the former Glenwood School site.

The commission meeting begins Tuesday at 6 p.m. at the Floyd County administration building on Fourth Avenue.

During the caucus, which starts at 4 p.m., the commission will get an update from Floyd County Public Works.
