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Floyd County Schools will host a Pop-Up Food Market at Grizzard Park on Wednesday

April 20th, 2020 – 10:35 AM

Floyd County Schools Press Release –

Floyd County Schools will host a Pop-Up Food Market at Grizzard Park on Wednesday at 3:30 PM – 5:30 PM

“Every family goes home with around 50 lbs of food. Fresh fruits and veggies, dry goods, bakery items, dairy, meats, etc. (items may vary). No income levels, no requirements. This is a market partnership with the Atlanta Community Food Bank.

No smoking is allowed. 

Participants will have to STAY IN THEIR CARS. Please register online ahead of time so that the process will move quickly.

You will not get out of your vehicle. Be prepared to be in line in your car for some time. a Volunteer will put food in your trunk, or in your back seat, or hand it to you through the window. In an abundance of caution, we are trying to minimize contact for everyone’s protection.

There will be one set of food per household. During this time of crisis, we ask that everyone be mindful of the needs of all and be sure to only register for one box per household.

The cars will enter from the bypass, drive straight down all the way to the cul-de-sac at the boat ramp and come back to the field house in the middle of all the fields. You will enter at the lower gate entrance, follow the indicators to drive by and pick up your food, and exit at the main gate. You will then proceed to the stop sign and head home to enjoy the items from the pop-up market and practice social distancing.

One set of groceries per car–if people have carpooled, they will need to go thru the line again. As always, One set of groceries per family/address. Especially during this time of economic downturn and COVID-19 crisis, we want to help as many people as possible.

Everyone will stay in their cars. We will be observing social distancing and being aware of the state and federal mandates. We are expecting the line to move quickly, even quicker than last month.

Please Pre-Register Here: