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Finance committee recommends approval of partial alcohol fee rebates

June 17, 2020–1:25 p.m.


Pouring establishments in the City of Rome could be getting a partial rebate of alcohol fees.

On Wednesday, the finance committee voted to recommend approval of the plan to the full Rome City Commission.

The Alcohol Control Commission asked the finance committee to consider the refunds as a way of helping businesses impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and related shutdown.

The refund would be for two months.

That translates to $246.60 for a beer or wine pouring license, $493.20 for both, and $411 for a liquor license, counting only the base fees.

There are over 60 establishments who would benefit.

The Rome City Commission is set to vote on the plan Monday night.

Also, during Wednesday’s discussion, members of the finance committee expressed a desire to offer similar relief to the other businesses in the city.

“Come up with something that would be equitable for all the businesses,” said City Commissioner Sundai Stevenson.  “Everybody got hurt, not only our liquor pouring establishments but the retail downtown.  If we do for one, we want to do something for the others.  So, just come up with some sort of formula for how we can help all of them in some form or fashion because we want them all to succeed.”

Another program to help local businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic is currently seeking applications.

The Small Business Assistance Emergency Grant Program is funded with money from the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act.

Businesses with up to 50 “full-time equivalent” employees are eligible to apply for up to $5,000, which will be used to pay for normal business expenses that have been made more difficult due to declining revenues caused by the COVID-19 outbreak.

“To date, we have only received twelve applications,” said Assistant Rome City Manager Patrick Eidson.  “We’ve been pushing information about the program on a couple of different platforms, like social media.  The application deadline for the first round is Friday at 5 p.m.”

You can get more information about that program HERE.