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Calhoun School System releases back to school plans

June 30, 2020–6:20 a.m.


Calhoun City Schools’ Re-Entry Plans Following COVID-19 – We are moving forward with PLAN A to Start Back In-Person on August 12, 2020

Plan A- (No, Low or Minimal Spread) Traditional Model of Instruction

Calhoun City Schools plans to resume on Wednesday, August 12th with all students reporting on the first day of school with parameters put in place regarding health screenings (checking for signs and symptoms of COVID 19) of students and staff, heightened sanitation efforts, social distancing efforts, with no mass gatherings.

Georgia’s Path to Recovery for K-12 Schools…/georgias_k-12_recovery_pl… outlines guidance for reopening schools. Calhoun City Schools will continue to monitor data and work with our partners to ensure that the appropriate protocols are followed.

Modifications include:

Establishing procedures and protocols for entering the school buildings, transportation, transitions, school meals, etc. based on guidance from the Georgia Department of Education

Removing unused desks and furniture in classrooms

Maximizing social distancing (to the extent practicable)

Limiting physical interaction through partner or group work

Establishing distance between the teacher’s desk/board and students’ desks

Identifying and utilizing large spaces (i.e. gymnasiums, auditoriums, outside spaces – as weather permits) for social distancing

Providing access to hand sanitizer for students and staff

Serving school meals in the classroom if needed to limit large group exposure

Restricting non-essential visitors and volunteers

Allowing for the use of face coverings / masks (these are not required at this time)

Online Options for Families Who Choose Not to Return In-Person

The Calhoun Online Learning Academy (COLA: grades 6-12) will continue to be available for all families who choose this option. COLA Jr. will provide online support for students in grades PreK-5th. Calhoun City Schools will provide students with a Chromebook to use, however; the home-based COLA option requires students to have access to consistent and reliable access to the internet. If you would like additional information regarding online learning, please email [email protected] or contact Monica Pierson, Director of Online Learning at [email protected].

Registration for COLA and COLA Jr.:

COLA (6-12) Application:…/1FAIpQLSf46kqnY0JzpfIxdI…/viewform.

COLA JR (K-5) Application:…/1moDx6g8fPJItB2wBIPbobx2YtUM…/edit

The application deadline for COLA and/or COLA Jr. is July 31st.