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Gordon Central High temporarily closed

August 18, 2020–9:40 p.m.


Gordon County Schools has found it necessary to temporarily close Gordon Central High School to in-person instruction, effective tomorrow, August 19, 2020. The tentative return date for in-person instruction will be September 2, 2020.

The decision to temporarily close Gordon Central High School is not due to a high number of active cases. Currently, there are four (4) faculty members and one (1) student who have tested positive for COVID-19 at Gordon Central High School. The closure is due to the number of staff members at Gordon Central High School who, under current DPH guidelines, are being required to participate in a precautionary quarantine. At this time, finding coverage for the high number of teachers who will not be able to teach from their classrooms during the quarantine period is not in the best interest of the school or its students.

During this temporary closure, Gordon Central High School students will continue to receive instruction from their assigned classroom teachers utilizing Schoology. Faculty and staff will work to prepare these lessons on Thursday, August 20 and Friday, August 21. Schoology lessons will be available for Gordon Central High School students beginning Monday, August 24. Details will be sent from the school in the coming days.

As a precaution, additional cleaning will take place throughout the school on Wednesday, August 19, and only limited staff will be in the building. Extracurricular activities will continue, unless otherwise notified by the school.

This closure does not impact any other Gordon County School, and all other schools will operate as normal.