December 8, 2021–10:32 a.m.
The police department is thrilled by the results of the 2021 golf tournament that benefits Restoration Rome.
Donations from our tournament once again exceed the previous year’s totals and will promote the work being done with foster care and rebuilding families in our community.
The 2021 charity tournament raised $14,029 from donations, tournament fees, and golf contests for the 26 teams.
Hole sponsors from community partners were a tremendous help, as well as services that were donated and allowed us to use donations more directly in support of Restoration Rome.
The tournament is co-sponsored by the Rome Braves and hosted at Stonebridge Golf Course.
Meals were provided by locally owned franchise owners from McDonald’s, Moe’s BBQ, Zaxby’s, and Lumina Coffee.
The bulk of door prizes were donated by East Rome Walmart while Fast Printing & Signs and Hi-Tech Signs provided advertising support.
“Our community partners are the ones who help grow our tournaments and enable us to give more and more every year,” said Chief Mark Wallace, of Floyd County Police Department. “But the true credit goes to Restoration Rome and the reputation they are building in our county.”
The Floyd County Police Department has been hosting charity golf tournaments for 14 years, serving local and national non-profit groups. More than $183,745 has been raised from community support.
Restoration Rome is a community support group located at the former home of Southeast Elementary School off of Crane Street.
It is a hub where public, private and faith-based partners can work together to restore and keep families together by facilitating foster care, adoption, and family services.
The vision of Restoration Rome is to improve the child welfare system in Georgia and they are doing that by providing liaison services for the Department of Family Children Services.
The group provides a safe place for children and families to meet while working through state services.
Other services provided by Restoration Rome include: mentoring program, medical and social services, mental health counseling, food and clothing, supervised visitation, and family reunification services.