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Veteran FCPD Investigator Recognized by American Legion

March 2nd, 2022 – 4:30 PM

Floyd County Police Department Press Release –

(LR) Chief Mark Wallace, Ron Pajor (post commander), Sgt. Amy Nails, Terry Simmons (post chaplain), Major Jeff Jones.

The American Legion presented a Community Service Award to one of the most tenacious
investigators from the police department to honor her leadership and mentor relationships with young

Sgt. Nails was presented the recognition by the American Legion Post 136 from Lindale during a
small ceremony at the police department on Wednesday. Command staff and friends were present for
the surprise celebration.

The investigator has more than seven years of experience at the police department and six years in
her current assignment. She has also served as a shift supervisor on patrol on the night shift.
“Her knowledge, experience, and tireless efforts have proven to be an asset,” said Major Jeff Jones,
commander of the investigative division for Floyd County Police Department.

“Her hard word has set the standard in the criminal investigation division where she is known by her
peers as a mentor and they often seek her advice or assistance,” Jones said.

One of many examples of her work is the arrest of a child predator. Parts of that investigation are
still ongoing and reach across numerous jurisdictions; some incidents as far away as New York. Her
property crime investigations are relentless and include a few serial burglary arrests.

“That’s certainly impressive work,” said Ron Pajor, commander of post 136, of the work credited to
Sgt. Nails. “If your peers think this much of you we are certainly proud to offer you this recognition.”
Sgt. Nails, who is not one for accolades, accepted the award with humility. “It is humbling to be
thought of in this manner by such wonderful people,” she said.

The veteran investigator has numerous commendations for service, many of which describe her
selfless work ethic and tenacity. In September 2021 she received a commendation for her work as a
conflict negotiator when she talked a man down from a tall tree and convinced him to get help.