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City commission approves industrial rezoning

Monday, February 26, 2024–9:09 p.m.

-David Crowder, WRGA News-

The Rome City Commission has approved a zoning change from Light Industrial to Heavy Industrial for 29 Westside Industrial Boulevard.

The existing 110,000-square-foot facility is the future home of Swami Compounding, which manufactures semi-finished natural and synthetic rubber compounds in strips and slab forms.

“We came here around June of last year, assuming this property was heavy industrial,” said Harry Patel, managing partner with Swami Corporation. “We had no idea until December that this property was light industrial and required rezoning. So, we have gone through the process. Again, we will be investing $8 million in the next five years and providing about 100 jobs in the community.”

Some of Swami Compounding’s customers include tire manufacturers, retreaters, mining conveyor belt manufacturers, automotive floormats, and windshield wiper blade manufacturers, to name a few.

The commission also approved three applications related to a townhome development.

29 units are planned on Archer Street.

An annexation request is also involved as well as a rezoning for 1405 East Second Avenue which would serve as the proposed entrance to the development.